Jeanette Wright Harden
Owner Of Bold Legend


   I've always had a love for dogs but was never allowed to own one because my mom was on a very limited income and having a dog meant one too many mouths to feed. I didn't own my first dog until after I married. I picked her out at our local humane society center and she was the only dog there who just sat and did not bark, so I decided she was the one I wanted. It turned out she was sick so I had to take her to the vet who said she was so sick she probably wouldn't live, so he didn't charge me for the visit. I nursed her back to health and soon after that "Princess" and I were sitting in our front yard and the vet happened to drive by---and guess what? There was a bill from him in the mail a few days later!! The vet saw the dog was alive and well.... so I got the bill.

  My love for Australian Shepherd blossomed when I went to my very first ever conformation show, lots of Aussies were there and I had to have one... any one, so I came home with a black-tri female pup. Naturally, I had to show this wonderful pup... so from then on I was hooked on dog showing and have been in the show ring ever since. At first I knew nothing about how to handle a show dog, so when I would go to the shows, my husband would video tape them. I would watch the best handlers in the ring and try to imitate what they were doing. I got pretty good at it and started winning. As you can guess, one blue ribbon, and I was at every show after that.

  A very good friend of mine got me started in the breeding program by offering me an eight week old black-tri male. I didn't want any males, but she persuaded me to take him. At that time I had a blue merle female who had a six week old litter. The new pup was already weaned but he soon made his way to my female and it turned out he was the last one to be weaned. He was a wonderful dog and he turned out to be my foundation sire and Champion "Almostheavens Z's A Lover". From this great dog came many of my champions and I now have generations of progeny from him.

  Soon after I started breeding for show, I decided I needed a kennel name and came up with the name "Bold Legend". I wanted a name that would represent my breeding program and tell the story of what it was all about; hence Bold Legend Kennels came into existence. I have been an Aussie breeder for more than 25 years now and have almost exclusively shown my dogs in the "Bred By Exhibitor" class. From my breeding I have produced many champions in the breed, obedience and herding rings. Bold Legend Kennels is now an ASCA Hall Of Fame Kennel. I want to thank all those who own my dogs and have worked so hard to help me achieve this coveted award.

   Almost all of my Minature Aussies have been bred from my Standards Aussies and they have become the foundation lines for my "Minis", with the exception of only a few outcrosses of other established "Mini lines".




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