Bold Legend Aussies have now achieved the coveted title of "ASCA Hall of Fame Kennel", achieving that award by being the Breeder of twenty (20) titled dogs in conformation, Herding and Obedience. Bold Legend's Masked Bandit, "Ranger" was the 20th Champion to complete his title in the Herding arena to make up the needed (20) titles for this award.

Katrina, Best Peewee Handler.
    ( I Knew I Could Do It )


 Bold Legend Aussies now has it's first "Hall of Fame" Dam status!!! Bold Legend's Shez-A-Prize, "Joy" has achieved this title by the hard work of her now owners, June Huddleston and Linda Brudza through their hard work and dedication to our wonderful dogs.

 Again, ...Ch. Bold Legend's Masked Bandit, "Ranger" has made this title possible by achieving the title of "Versatility Champion", another first for Bold Legend.

 "Ranger's" littermate Ch. Bold Legend's Thief of Hearts, "Maverick" and their full sister, Ch. Priceless' Cause For Applause, "Banjo" make up the other points necessary for their dam, "Joy" to make the Hall of Fame Dam status. Joy shown 3rd from left.


     "Masked Bandit" and his brother, "Theif of Hearts"                     herding at four months of age.



 To date Bold Legend Kennels have a total of 58 titles and certificates  including Bold Legend's Z Blue Max--Search and Rescue dog, owned, loved and trained by Audrey Wartman, for ground, Air and water search.



                                        "Max", just doing his job!!!


ASCA / AKC CH. Bold Legend's Winds Of Change, HCT-OFA good, CERF, 8 years old.


                Some Of Our Bold Legend Champions
 Ch. Bold Legend's April Wish                   Ch. Bold Legend's I'm Berry Special
                                        Ch. Bold Legend's Winds Of Change

1-AKC/ASCA CH. Sandridge's Opal of Skye-Mar. AKC-NA,AKC-CGC,TDI
1-AKC/ASCA CH Sunnybrook's Sumr-Bold Legend
1-INT/AKC CH Bold Legend's My Classic Beau
1-ASCA Ch. Bold Legend's Ashlawn's Ashley
1-AKC/ASCA CH Bold Legend's Winds of Change, CGC, AHBA-HCT
1-ASCA CH Bold Legend's Bit-O-Arrogance
3-Bold Legend's Standing Ovation, ASCA-ATDsc, ASCA-OTDd,ASCA-TD
1-ASCA CH Bold Legend's April Wish
4-WTCH/ASCA CH Bold Legend's Valliant Prince, ASCA-RTD,DNA-CP
1-ASCA CH Bold Legend's Masked Bandit, ASCA-CD, ASCA-STDcsd
1-ASCA CH Bold Legend's Thief of Hearts, ASCA-CD, ASCA-STDcsd
1-ASCA Ch Bold Legend's I'm Berry Special
1-ASCA Ch Priceless'
Cause For Applause


 The following are the "Points Breakdown" on the Bold Legend dogs that make up the twenty points for the coveted "Hall of Fame" status.

1- Sandridge's Opal of Skye-Mar
1- Sunnybrook's Sumr-Bold Legend
1- Bold Legend's My Classic Beau
1- Bold Legend's Ashlawn's Ashley
1- Bold Legend's Bit-O-Arrogance
3- Bold Legend's Standing Ovation
1- Bold Legend's April Wish
4- Bold Legend's Valliant Prince
3- Bold Legend's Masked Bandit
2- Bold Legend's Thief of Hearts
1- Bold Legend's I'm Berry Special
1- Priceless Cause for Applause

All of the above dogs have completed their Conformation Championships and some have completed requirements in Obedience and Herding.

The following is the explanation and definition of the required areas of competition that our dogs competed in:

AHBA-HCT : American Herding Breed Association

AKC-Ch: Conformation Champion
AKC-CGC: Canine Good Citizen
AKC-NA: (Novice A?) Agility Dog
ASCA Ch: Conformation Champion
ASCA-ATDc: Advanced Trail Dog-Cattle
ASCA-ATDd: Advanced Trial Dog-Ducks
ASCA-Atds: Advanced Trial Dog-Sheep
ASCA-CD: Companion Dog
ASCA-CDX: Companion Dog Excellent
ASCA-OTDc: Open Trial Dog-Cattle
ASCA-OTDd: Open Trial Dog-Ducks
ASCA-OTDs: Open Trial Dog-Sheep
ASCA-RTD: Ranch Trial Dog
ASCA-STDc: Started Trial Dog-Cattle
ASCA-STDd: Started Trial Dog-Ducks
ASCA-STDs: Started Trial Dog-Sheep
ASCA-TD: Tracking Dog
ASCA-WTCH: Working Trial Champion
INT. Ch. International Champion
TDI: Therapy Dog International



           Judging In Germany                                 Best In Show       




                       Please contact us at 


              Or by phone at 928-636-0400 

For More InformationOn This Lovable Breed.




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